Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Losing Steam

Today I will do my 13th interview in 3 weeks. (That includes the 4 phone interviews I've done.) I am losing steam and getting burnt out. I really just want something to work out already.

I am still praying for the dream hospital job that I interviewed for last week. That's the ideal.

Yesterday was the first of a two-part second round of interviews at the other hospital. It was much better than the first interview there, and I now know much more about the position.

I don't know. I'm just exhausted by it all and stressed out beyond imagination. After today, I am done interviewing until the 30th - unless I get more calls... aaahhh.

Job front aside, the girls are great. We did the whole Santa visit thing last night. Emma HATED it. From the second she saw him and knew we were getting in the line, she was mad. Maddy was very excited to talk to him and tell him what she wanted. The problem was the mall had a high school band playing Christmas music beside Santa, and she was nervous so she talked real quiet and Santa couldn't hear her. I had to repeat everything she said! Poor thing. Santa felt bad too. He was a great Santa. Very endearing.

That's about it today. 4:00 today. Let the question firing begin!

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