Anyhow, the girls are headed to Kalahari today with my mom and Jerry's parents. They are spending the day there together, and then Maddy is spending the night there with Jerry's parents and Jenna. My mom is taking Emma back to her house to sleepover BECAUSE... tomorrow, Jer and I are headed down to Canton, Ohio with friends of ours to watch a Malone College football game (Jer played for Malone) and then we are going to dinner and spending the night out there. I'm looking forward to the night away and to some alcoholic beverages! So - crazy schedule with the girlies, but I think it's all worked out among the grandparents :)
Sunday I will going out to get a manicure. I have two interviews next week. Wish me luck! Although, I don't think either of them is going to be quite the right fit, it will be great networking and conversation - one place, I know, is not going to be able to pay me enough and the other position isn't really right, but my contact wants to meet for breakfast and discuss opportunities anyhow, so it could turn into something... we'll see. There is another job that I am hoping to at least get an interview for that seems to sound like a better fit - I'm working contacts there left and right... we'll see.
I just want to vent a little about this job stuff... I am a control freak, obsessive planner by nature, and when things are unsettled and out of my control, I am a mess. So, I am a mess. I'm freaked out and worried about not having a job - biggest nightmare is if there comes a day when I'm not getting a paycheck - things would get ugly pretty fast. So, what do you think I do all day long? Obsessively look for postings. I know that I have applied/responded to ANYTHING that could work, but I'm still afraid I'm missing something, so I'll check repeatedly over and over all day. I have stayed away from sending anything to agencies - that's not a path I want to take at this point in time - and, I'm aiming high and hoping my resume is strong enough to get in the door at places I would like to work. I've had a few contacts call and tell me how impressed they are with my resume, and I have people coming out of the woodwork willing to make calls for me - that is what is getting me through these days. I just want to have things settled and figured out, so I can adjust my "life plan" accordingly. I wish HR people worked on my time zone! Ha!

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